Affordable Therapy Edmonton at Mendable Psychology

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Why Choose Mendable Psychology for Low Cost Counselling in Edmonton?

One of the ways we support our community is through offering our Reduced Rate Counselling Program to help improve client access to affordable therapy in Edmonton where financial barriers might otherwise limit ability to receive treatment. This low cost counselling program is an initiative designed to provide accessible mental health support to individual adults locally in Edmonton and online across Alberta, Canada. 

In this program, we provide affordable individual counselling for adults for concerns related to:

The Details of our Reduced Rate Therapy in Edmonton

Masters-level Counselling Placement

At Mendable Psychology, our Reduced Rate Counselling Program offers affordable counselling provided by Masters-level students completing the final stage of their program prior to entering the field as clinicians. This type of supervised practice is known as a practicum placement. Generally these placements lasts around 8 months. For the duration of time that the practicum therapist is working in the placement, the low cost counselling session fee is set to $60. 

Supervised by an on-site Registered Psychologist

During a practicum placement, the student attends regular supervision with a fully licensed and experienced clinician approved by the student’s university program. For our program at Mendable Psychology, Laurelle St Jean is the supervising psychologist.  

Benefits of our Low Cost Counselling Program

There are several benefits of this program including:

  • Decreased financial barriers which may allow for greater session frequency 
  • The opportunity to help the Practicum Therapist learn and grow as a clinician
  • With supervision there are two sets of eyes reviewing your treatment planning and outcomes 

Which therapists are currently part of the affordable therapy Edmonton program?

Cindy Wilhelm Affordable Counselling Practicum Therapist Reduced Rate Counselling West Edmonton

Master’s of Counselling Psychology student is currently accepting new clients in the Reduced Rate Counselling Program.

Reduced-Rate Therapy Edmonton Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do I need to do to get started with low cost counselling?

Let’s get started with a free, no obligation 15 minute phone consultation. This helps to determine if the therapist-client fit might be a good match. This is an initial opportunity to ask the therapist any questions you may have and learn more about what to expect in sessions. 

How can I book an appointment?

To schedule an appointment, head over to our client portal and navigate to the Practicum Therapist Counselling section.

You can also contact the clinic by phone or email to get started. 

What is the session fee?

The session fee for our low cost therapy is set at $60 per one hour appointment. Our full fee for Registered Psychologists is $220 per hour as recommended by the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta. 

Can I use my extended health benefit insurance?

Extended health benefit coverage does not allow or cover billing for low cost counselling sessions provided by student Practicum Therapists as they are not yet registered. Learn more about insurance billing for other counselling designations.

What does "supervised practice" mean?

All clinicians go through some form of supervised practice of their way towards obtaining a designation or licence. For this program specifically, the supervised practice is to complete final requirements of a Master’s Program prior to being granted a Master’s-level degree in the field of counselling and/ or psychology. 

Can I remain with my therapist after their placement is complete?

It is possible to remain with the therapist following the placement, however you should be aware that there may be changes to: (a) where they practice from, (b) the session fee, and (c) the availability. It is also possible that gaps in service may exist during the process of applying for designations and licensure. 

Does accessing "cheap" therapy mean I will recieve lower quality support?

While low cost counselling is financially more affordable, the outcome of any type of mental health therapy depends on a number of factors. We work to ensure that clients are placed with a mental health therapist that is able to support them with their presenting concerns. If a concern is beyond the scope of the practicum student we would recommend exploring alternate referral options. This is something that can be further assessed in the phone consultation or through reaching out to the clinic. 

Do other mental health clinics in Edmonton offer low cost counselling options?

Yes! Many counselling clinics and agencies in Edmonton also offer low cost counselling provided by practicum student therapists or intern therapists. 

Some non-profit agencies that offer low cost counselling in Edmonton include:

Momentum Counselling

The Family Centre

More questions?

For more information visit our full FAQ section or contact the clinic directly

Ready to get started with affordable therapy in Edmonton?